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Image by Michael Dziedzic


What is a dream? Their origins are unknown, and their purpose is debated. In Old English, drÄ“am meant “joy” or “music.” To the Ancient Egyptians, dreams were a medium for receiving divine revelations. Freud believed dreams revealed our unconscious desires. Oneirocromancy, or dream interpretation, has been found in the literature of ancient societies such as the Akkadians and Sumerians. Dreamcatchers, created by the Anishinaabe, were hung above beds to protect infants from nightmares.


Dreams also play significant roles in literature. From Alice's adventures in Wonderland to Nestor’s prophetic dreams sent by Zeus, dreams serve as a means to symbolize a character’s inner life and spur action. 


For Spiritus Mundi Review’s sixth issue, we invite you to explore the enigmatic world of dreams through your poetry, prose, and art. Consider questions like: What can a dream mean? Should we follow our dreams? Do dreams have hidden meanings?



To submit work, email with the subject line: Issue 6 Submission-Genre.

(For example, Issue 6 Submission-Poetry.) Please include a 1-3  line third-person biography to be included in with your work. Submissions are free, but we cannot pay contributors at this time.


Feedback is available upon request. We accept previously published works.


POETRY: We accept up to 3 poems, 10 pages maximum. 


PROSE: We accept up to 2 pieces, up  to 2000 words. 


ART: We accept up to 3 pieces, can be photography, digital art, etc. If you would like your piece(s) to be considered for cover art, please indicate in your email. NO AI SUBMISSIONS.


Feel free to email us with any questions or check out our FAQ page.

@2021 Spiritus Mundi Review

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